Testing, testing, 123

This is a test, only a test. Yeah, that's what they told Bikini Atoll.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Veronica Mars S01E13

The episode in which a girl runs away to Vegas to get married, and an ass attends his mother’s funeral.

Nothing really stands out about this episode. I mean, it’s solid, but in no way exceptional.

I really liked the science-whiz gangsta-rapper son, but we didn’t see him enough to get to know him. Same with his sister. I wouldn’t have minded seeing the new husband either.

Logan is still an ass, but now he has an excuse. And don’t think that showing up on Veronica’s doorstep makes me change my mind on this one. I can’t say I felt like acting the way he does at a funeral, but I have felt the surrealness of funerals. His ass-likeness is mostly related to his megalomania. He doesn’t seem to realize what it’s like to be other people. He has no empathy. Everything happens to him. Not to others. I know we’re seeing his human side, but I just have a hard time believing I’ll ever like him. Which isn’t to say I appreciate bimbo-box-driving, cement-for-brains Duncan. I just don’t think the show writes men well. But then, perhaps I just don’t know the sort of men they’re writing.

I do like Weevil, the dad and Wallace. But as far as the characterization, I don’t think they really resist my earlier assessment. That’s OK. Some of my favorite shows don’t do men well (Gilmore Girls). And don’t even get me started on Jane Austin. After millennia of women being poorly written, it’s our turn.

This complaint could also be an artifact of the comparatively short amount of time a TV show has to build characters and develop plot as well as my own over-analyzing the show. Still, I’d be interested in seeing the show’s demographics.


Blogger Angela said...

Well, you can't take the squealing girl out of me, I guess... I loved it when Logan asked for Veronica's help. I guess I understand his lashing out, and perhaps do it a bit myself. Not to that degree, but I tend to test people when I'm upset and angry, just to see how much they'll take. And I see that in Logan. I also think he seeks a person who will be completely real with him, without pretense or other expectations, and in his rich, fake life has yet to find that person. People let him down. Poor little rich boy. I know. But I think he's become almost immune to the pain of others because to him it feels like the world doesn't SEE him.

But yes, he is an ass. I guess to me, he's an understandable ass.

1:05 PM  

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